Christian Community Baptist Church

Servant Dr. J. E. Jackson, Ph.D., D.H.L., Pastor
Evangelizing the world for Christ! Building a model community of faith!

Christian Community Baptist Church

Servant Dr. J. E. Jackson, Ph.D., D.H.L., Pastor

Evangelizing the world for Christ!

Building a model community of faith!  

3838 N. West Avenue, Fresno, California 93705-2703
Fresno, CA  93703-6414

About Our Pastor

Dr. Jerome E. Jackson, Pastor, Ph.D., D.H.L.

Servant Dr. J. E. Jackson’s Motto is:

“God Can Always Be Trusted!”

“Siempre Puedes Confiar En Dios!!!”

Servant Dr. Jerome E. Jackson, Pastor, Ph.D., D.H.L.


"God has called all believers to make disciples of all nations.  It is my vision to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ as I lead God’s people. My vision is for a Bible believing, Bible teaching, Bible preaching, praying, Tithing, loving, and faithful body of believers. I believe God can always be trusted."


A licensed and ordained Minister of the Gospel, Dr. J. E. Jackson has been in the teaching and preaching ministry since 1992. Pastor Jackson served as a dutiful and faithful Associate Minister under the teaching and leadership of Dr. Chester Riggins, St. Rest Baptist Church, Fresno, from 1992 to 1997. Since April 1997, Reverend Dr. Jackson has served as the Pastor of Christian Community Baptist Church of Fresno, California. Dr. Jackson served as interim Pastor of St. Rest Baptist Church prior to becoming Pastor of Christian Community Baptist Church of Fresno.

Servant Dr. Jackson is the past Dean of the Congress on Christian Education of the St. John Missionary Baptist District Association of California. He is the past Moderator of the First Northern Central District Baptist Association.

Dr. Jackson has a long history of selfless service to the work of Christian ministry and the community of faith, in evangelism, discipleship, teaching, mentoring, counseling and church leadership.

Dr. Jerome E. Jackson, holds earned degrees from several accredited and nationally recognized Universities.


  • Southern University (Bachelors Arts in Political Science), Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • Texas Southern University (Masters in Public Administration), Houston, Texas
  • Faith Seminary, (Masters in Theological Studies), Tacoma, Washington 
  • Sam Houston State University (Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice), Huntsville, Texas
  • Faith Seminary, (Doctor of Humane Letters in Theological Studies), Tacoma, Washington


Dr. Jackson is a nationally recognized Criminologist with an outstanding reputation. He is a tenured Full Professor of Criminology at California State University, Fresno..

He is a noted author, lecturer and community activist. His record of fighting for the rights of the disenfranchised in America and standing for justice dates back to 1969. Dr. Jackson has conducted hundreds of workshops and seminars on various concerns including: the family, at-risk youth, evangelism, gambling, identity theft, causes of delinquency, marriage, Old Testament and New Testament studies, salvation, worship and praise, crime in the Bible, substance abuse, youth gangs, church leadership, technology in the church and others. Dr. Jackson is married to Dr. Alstelma T. Jackson.

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