Christian Community Baptist Church

Servant Dr. J. E. Jackson, Ph.D., D.H.L., Pastor
Evangelizing the world for Christ! Building a model community of faith!

Christian Community Baptist Church

Servant Dr. J. E. Jackson, Ph.D., D.H.L., Pastor

Evangelizing the world for Christ!

Building a model community of faith!  

3838 N. West Avenue, Fresno, California 93705-2703
Fresno, CA  93703-6414

Youth Ministry

Youth is a unique period of life, one filled with exploration, discovery, excitement and fulfillment. The Church Youth Ministry provides a nurturing, loving environment for young people exploring the world. It is a safe place where faith guides exploration and self-discovery. 

Children's Ministry

The Gospel has a message for everyone, of every age, and in every language. Exposing your child to the Lord's path when they are young gives them guidance, hope and strength that lasts a lifetime. To learn more, be in touch with one of our Pastors.  

Prayer Ministry

At the core and foundation of the Christian Community Commissioned Ministry by God is prayer. Praying in faith, believing, and trusting God undergirds all other ministries of our church. A highlight of our weekly prayer ministry is our United Prayer Alliance Power Hour. We encourage all our Christian brothers and sisters to support, log-in, and participate in our Power Hour Prayer Ministry, on Tuesday 6:00 PM Pacific Time.



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Join by PHONE: Call (415) 762-9988 or (646) 568-7788. AND follow the verbal instructions.

  1. Enter the meeting ID 859-2556-1359 followed by the # key.
  2. You will be asked to enter your participant ID.
  3. If you do not know your participant ID, simply press the # key.
  4. Meeting password is 365858.

Teaching Ministry

Teaching is an extremely important ministry of the Christian Community Church. Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20 that we are to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” So teaching is at the core of our ministry.


Music Ministry

The primary goal of the Music Ministry at Christian Community Baptist Church is to lead the congregation in song and praise, and connect them with God. The music ministry helps to spread the message of Christ’s hope and the truth of God’s Word.

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